Subtle Toxicity

How does it feel to have the world revolve around you?How does it feel to have everyone like you?How does it feel to be the center of attention?How does it feel to be surrounded by people when you thought you’ll be alone forever? How does it feel to have stolen all this from me? Oh […]

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It is true, old habits die Hard.It is especially more difficult when these habits had become the norm.We would talk for hours with each other,Think about us for days,Sharing any silly detail made us happy,At least it made me happy.Your stupid door handle,My annoyance with certain people.I don’t know if we had become one, although […]

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Why Do You? Why Do I?

Why do you reach out to me when you’re lonely?Why do you reach out to me when you need companionship?I don’t even know if we had a breakup because I don’t even know what we had. When I asked for a second chance, you asked me to move on.When I wanted to be there for […]

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I never left, for I had just gone to get some band aids to continue holding on to your Rose, with thorns and All.

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To Be Forgotten

Every Night, these thoughts creep into my mind. Makes me sad, makes me cry, Makes me want to tear open my eyes. The moon at the dark, But it shines a sorrowful light on all my bark. The bark of a hurtful conscience, Built and tempered by an ocean of consequences. Joy, pride, ego and […]

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