Past 3:45

For months,
I waited
With passion and eager,
Looking forward to the days I could be sincere

Your problems had become mine,
Mine had become yours
Your hardships were my hardships,
And mine yours
Caring for you had become my only purpose
Synthesising a bond that romantics might discuss

A short stick was pulled,
A few words were told,
I falsely understood
And you brought the fuel of agony
To burn It all on firewood

A million times I wondered
A million times we glanced
Realised we were breaking something important
Are we making a mistake?

And you arrived,

Who knew routine and time would be such a  killer,
That the void between us grew wider and wider

Days had become hours
Hours had become minutes
And minutes had become a gesture of defeat

For months, I waited
To rekindle our bond,
Only for you to form it with another who stayed past 3:45

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