Subtle Toxicity

How does it feel to have the world revolve around you?
How does it feel to have everyone like you?
How does it feel to be the center of attention?
How does it feel to be surrounded by people when you thought you’ll be alone forever?

How does it feel to have stolen all this from me?

Oh shit,
My subtle toxicity is spilling

How does it feel to have a shoulder to lean over?
How does it feel to have caressing warmth soothe you in your times of trouble?
How does it feel to have someone be there for you when you need them?

How does it feel when you don’t want to be there for someone who needs you?

Oh shit,
My subtle toxicity is spilling

I respect your thoughts,
I respect your ideas,
I respect your lack of feelings,
I respect your sense of individuality

I respect your lack of respect for me

Oh shit,
My subtle toxicity is spilling

The winds of desperation and solitude blow me around
I float between affection and hate
An upward thrust of godly emotions thrusts me to the summit of my emancipation
And a downward push of crippling nature submits me to your subjugation

I turn left and look for hope,
I whip to the right and find a nothing bell
I look forward and see an ocean of eerie darkness in your black pearly eyes

I see myself drowning,
I see my hand lending itself for a final call for help
And your wave of malice crushes it under its weight

Did I awaken a monster or the monster awoke from its slumber?

And here I thought of you to be a mother angel here to save me from my dying grace

How does it feel to hold a pawn in your hand?

Oh shit,
My subtle toxcity is spilling

Maybe I am too dependant
Maybe I am stuck in the moment where the world stopped for us,
I could hear your breaths
I could sense my heart beats synchronising to it
Every cell in my body becoming an indentity of you
We had become one
Maybe that’s the page I am in
Maybe that’s the page I never want to tear

How does it feel to have shredded this page to burnt pieces?

Oh shit,
My subtle toxicity is spilling

And now here I stand
Embellished by toxic tears
Adorned with toxic fidgets
Exuding toxic fumes of pink and blue

Isn’t this what you see?
Isn’t this what you like to believe?

Oh shit,
My subtle toxcity.

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