
It is true, old habits die Hard.
It is especially more difficult when these habits had become the norm.
We would talk for hours with each other,
Think about us for days,
Sharing any silly detail made us happy,
At least it made me happy.
Your stupid door handle,
My annoyance with certain people.
I don’t know if we had become one, although miles apart it felt like we were two peas in a pod.

Little did I know, that this wasn’t normal.
Little did I know how much this would mess me up.
Little did I know that when we ended, I would look for another pea in all the pods.

Any new person I meet,
I have the urge to share the same silly details,
Share the same tantrums
Share the same merriment.

Isn’t it unfair?
For this new person to put up with the backlog of my emotional overflow?

How can I expect everyone to be the same?
How can I thrust these expectations on them?
I will only push them away.

I need to calm down.
I need to believe.
I need to know if I’ll ever recover.

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