Why Do You? Why Do I?

Why do you reach out to me when you’re lonely?
Why do you reach out to me when you need companionship?
I don’t even know if we had a breakup because I don’t even know what we had.

When I asked for a second chance, you asked me to move on.
When I wanted to be there for you, you pushed me away.
When I said I don’t understand, you simply said that’s how it is.
When I said I’ll hate you for the rest of my life, you didn’t care.

And now, you talk about the bond we shared.
And now, you tell me you never connected with someone like you connected with me.
And now, you don’t want to throw all of this away.
And now, you want me to not stop talking to you.
Funny how you say this when your date with another didn’t go well.

Every time I look at your eyes,
I try to find me in them.
Every time we share a moment,
I yearn for us to hold hands,
Wrap my arms around you and give you a tight hug that never ends.
Lift your chin up,
Cup your face in my hands,
Reach out for a kiss,
And be lost in this feeling of a connection.

Mind you this is not a fleeting thought,
It’s what I feel every time I look at you.

Like a fool,
Knowing too well the hurt it’ll cause me-
I gave in to your misery.
Like a fool, I wag my tail around you,
My eyes all clogged up with sadness and my face held together by a fool’s dream.

And like a quota fulfilled,
You again ignore me
You again discard me
You again take me for granted
You again walk all over me

How dare you?!
How dare I?!
How dare I let you treat me this way?

I want to erase your existence from my life and the worst part is, I am not courageous enough to do that…

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